Saturday, June 6, 2009

Chapter One - Part 9

"Just doesn't make sense... why would they travel this close to the insidium fields? That land can be deadly to anyone - even a See'r." Jack used his sleeve to mop the cold sweat from his forehead.

"No good reason that I can guess at. They really can't hope to use it as a refuge... none of this tracks." Crystal tightened the reigns and steadied her mare, Delta. The overeager mount wanted to follow the residue of the trail, but she and Jack were not yet decided whether to follow such treacherous direction.

"You suppose Savanah is at the heart of this?"

"I don't know Dad, you know how she can get about things. Hard to say if it's her or the crew she's with... and we don't know what this is about."

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